songs about roving, rambling and plain hard luck & photography from the other side …

invisible city X

© Former cinema OUTPOST Clayallee Berlin 2009 by Fritsch

Somebody show me / A place I can go where love’s around / A trip to the ocean / I just need to get far from town / There’s no way around this / No way around this / No way around this troubled soul (Jesse Sykes And The Sweet Hereafter)

By the way: The photoblog awards 2009 are up. If you like what you see, get over and vote for the hobokollektiv.

posted: November 8, 2009
under: colour, invisible city, pictures
tags: , , , , , , , , ,

18 Responses to “invisible city X”

  1. Beverungen sagt:

    irgendwo da draußen ist das meer. outpost.

    coloured illusions, like a mirror made of blood.



  2. a.h.lex sagt:

    is there a lunar outpost in our human future? or could we only dream of this by making some outpost on our earth.

    interesting shot, fritsch! so, have a nice day.

  3. Elaine- sagt:

    oh fritsch i just love ya, you leave the nicest comments, i so look forward to them… now where did you get a picture of an out post with a neon sign? is there fur trading going on inside? lol neat shot!!!

  4. grant sagt:

    this photo seems one interesting contradiction – isolated in the dark, it does seem an outpost. but then, it’s so shiny and new, it’s hard to believe it’s not really in the middle of it all. it really works for me.

  5. ken sagt:

    The city melts in the background, leaving a floating sign of interest! Wonderful.

  6. walter sagt:

    Ein Aussenposten leuchtet in der Dunkelheit wie ein Leuchtturm und weist uns den Weg weiter zu zwei weiteren Lichtstreifen und so windet sich das Licht durch meine Hirnzellen und hinterlässt eine Spur deines eindrücklichen Bildes … Danke für dein Sehen das du uns hier vermittelst.

  7. rhys sagt:

    looks like this could have been a tricky exposure with all the black- looks great though.

  8. Superb shot and contrasts of the neon light and dark background. I also like the 2 lights at the bottom of the frame and how they add to the perspective. Nice work!

  9. Hector Ramos sagt:

    Great work! Love the concept and photography of the site…you have a new follower.

  10. Kamal sagt:

    Wow. I cant believe it has already been 10 of this wonderful series. Great image as always. You my friend have the utmost creativity turning a simple object (sign) surrounded by darkness to an interesting picture. And yes, I agree, this must have been some tricky exposure. Well done!

  11. david sagt:

    how can such simplicity conjour „loneliness“ in my mind? i don’t know, but it does. it’s pretty wondeful

  12. elaine sagt:

    Wonderful shot! very inspirational for me!

  13. Joe sagt:

    In alten US Film trailer aus den 30er kammen die Schriften auch immer so aus dem nix und blieben so prägnant stehen.
    Cooler Fund.

  14. flo g sagt:

    les deux petits signes de vie, lumineux , abstraits,en bas à gauche de ta photo, „font“ ta photo.Les néons colorés, tels des signaux d’existence, dans cet univers noir, silencieux, sont très beaux

  15. Ivy sagt:

    Cool take yet again – I have a special love your „Invisible City“ series an iconic work of Fritsch „Keep Shining“!

  16. Krista sagt:

    I love the simplicity of how this looks… I love your night shots.

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