songs about roving, rambling and plain hard luck & photography from the other side …

as if they’d like to turn their insides out

There’s more than one kind of ghostly music in the air, all / Of them like the wind: you can’t see it / But you can see the leaves shiver in place / As if they’d like to turn their insides out (FIELD, poem by William Matthews)

posted: September 3, 2017
under: black & white, jazz, pictures
tags: , , , , , , ,

6 Responses to “as if they’d like to turn their insides out”

  1. Uwe sagt:

    „… jenes schweben der seele,
    dieses so schwer zu fassende glück,
    wenn die gedanken stillstehen
    oder ihren kurs ändern,
    wenn die inneren wogen sich glätten
    oder neu formieren –
    wenn die musik uns berührt … “
    Warte nur, balde –
    schweben wir gemeinsam ;-)

    in vorfreude,

  2. Elaine- sagt:

    leaves turn their insides out in Autumn, it’s the right time of the year for those lyrics, baby, you always pick the best ones… tell me, in the picture, were they playing ghostly music? :)

  3. Elaine- sagt:

    why did my comment get changed to that?

  4. Elaine- sagt:

    that was the weirdest thing i’ve ever seen… i punched in my comment and what it showed was ‚i love you, i love you, i love you, over and over… have i been hacked or have you? lol

  5. Elaine- sagt:

    i’m not sure i can comment here anymore.

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