songs about roving, rambling and plain hard luck & photography from the other side …

dreamed about this place without knowing its name

For the first time he wished he were far away, lost in a deep, vast country where nobody knew him. Somewhere without language or streets. And he dreamed about this place without knowing its name (Ry Cooder)

posted: Dezember 11, 2016
under: colour, pictures
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3 Responses to “dreamed about this place without knowing its name”

  1. Francis J sagt:

    We always dream of places, knowing or not its names. Same thing with people, specially girls I guess, for you like for me. That’s what we are looking for when we’re visiting exhibitions. New landscapes, new people appearing, feeding our imagination night and day. Each of your pictures, bro, helps me enlarge my tiny world. Each of your gems shines in the darkest parts of my mind, Florian.

  2. Elaine- sagt:

    i dream of places in the country, far from the things of man, but with NO BUGS hehe… a girl can dream can’t she? the dreamy lyrics go with your dreamy photo… well done, sweetheart

  3. Uwe sagt:


    Und endlich mal keine appellativen Großformate, sondern kleinere Abzüge, die einen locken, näher heranzutreten und eine Detailsuche zu starten und sich Zeit zu lassen, damit sich eine gewisse Intimität mit dem Motiv einstellt.

    Der Clou: der Farbklang von „leisem“ Blau und „lautem“ Rot, wobei das Blau die Farbstimmung des Raums sanft beherrscht und das Rot als leuchtender Akzent heraussticht.

    New colour, minimalistisch variiert.

    Gruß, Uwe

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