catch him when he’s strayin‘, teach him how to walk that line
It was out at the crossroads, down round Willow bank / Seen a Buick with Ohio plates behind the wheel was Frank / Well I chased him through them county roads till a sign said Canadian border five miles from here / I pulled over the side of the highway and watched his taillights disappear / Me and Franky laughin‘ and drinkin‘ / Nothin‘ feels better than blood on blood / Takin‘ turns dancin‘ with Maria as the band played „Night of the Johnstown Flood“ / I catch him when he’s strayin‘ like any brother would / Man turns his back on his family well he just ain’t no good (Bruce Springsteen)
posted: Juli 1, 2015
under: black & white, pictures, theme for a trucker
tags: 35mm, b & w, Bruce Springsteen, countryside, hiatus, img, M9, night, road
Das Leben ist eine Autobahn. Die Freude, die du daran hast, hängt von der Fahrspur ab, die du wählst.
Nicht nur – auch von der Geschwindigkeit bzw. Langsamkeit, der man sich verschreibt.
Und im richtigen Tempo auf der richtigen Fahrbahn macht das Leben Spaß. Mehr Spaß noch, wenn man eintauchen kann in diesen hellen skandinavischen Nächte. Vielen Dank, Ihr beiden.
Viele Grüße & weiterhin sichere Straßen, Fritsch.
die Nacht und die Strasse, das ist und bleibt dein Thema und das ist gut so, für dich und für uns …
herzliche Grüsse an den Wanderer der Nacht
Vielen Dank, Ulli. Die Straßen & die Nächte finden mich, so scheint es. Egal wo. Egal wann.
Viele Grüße & weiterhin sichere Straßen, Fritsch.
Alle in diesen Kabinen sind irgendwohin unterwegs – was für ein Pilgerzug der Lichter in dunkler Nacht, wie Glühwürmchen reihen sich sich aneinander, in einer Landschaft, die in ihrer Weite fast amerikanisch anmutet.
Flaches Land, in dem jeder der sich durch die Ebenen bewegt, zum einsamen Cowboy & Trucker wird. Ein Lied auf den Lippen schützt vor zu viel Endlosigkeit. Vielen Dank, Uwe.
Viele Grüße & weiterhin sichere Straßen, Fritsch.
Being in the car at night, a warm car when outside it’s cold, that’s a yet warmer sensation, the feeling of being under some protection, maybe an illusion, but this feeling. Sometimes I feel like being in my mother’s belly… Surely another illusion. But don’t we live of illusions!?
And with a bottle of alcohol it’s much better! Your shot, Florian, warms my heart along this road I’m driving. Even when I’m sitting at my home desk!
Great shot, buddy, great feeling helping me to forget the anxious feelings I’ve to fight these days.
Riding these roads without moving is a feeling I know too well, buddy. Riding to run from these ghosts of anxious feelings always snapping at the heels. Riding into the night & getting lost without thinking too much. You know, brother, you are not alone outside where the night are dark & the land looks all plain. You are not alone, Francis.
All the best & safe travels, Fritsch.
nicely moody night time shot in b&w
Thanks, Janice. It was a very moody midsommar night.
All the best & safe travels, Fritsch.
There is a blackness in the bottom of the frame that gets to me. I know where I am going to, but where did I come from?
I think it doesn’t matter where we come from or where we are going as long as there’s a darkness that gets to us. One day we will look back & suddenly it all makes sense. Thanks, Geert.
All the best & safe travels, Fritsch.
i would like to catch YOU when you are strayin‘ honey… but you run too fast :)
So glad you’re back to catch me & suddenly these roads don’t look lonely anymore.
All the best & safe travels, Fritsch.
ay, Fritsch buddy, those lonesome highways, the endless nighttime drives, the desire to disappear into the darkness and the fear of the same darkness too ….
it’s just great, pal – here’s to lost highways!
Buddy, where I am is the lost highway & the lost highway is me. Always dark. Always promising. Always fear. Keep on rambling ‚cause we can’t do anything else.
All the best & safe travels, Fritsch.
Great picture ! :)
Thanks, my friend. That means a lot to me.
All the best & safe travels, Fritsch.