songs about roving, rambling and plain hard luck & photography from the other side …

just the working life

© Höchst Frankfurt-Zeilsheim 2009 by Fritsch

For A. & E. Weith (R.I.P.): Early in the morning factory whistle blows / Man rises from bed and puts on his clothes / Man takes his lunch, walks out in the morning light / It’s the working, the working, just the working life (Bruce Springsteen)

By the way: The photoblog awards 2009 are up. If you like what you see, get over and vote for the hobokollektiv.

posted: Juli 15, 2009
under: black & white, Im Herzen von Europa, pictures
tags: , , , , , , ,

14 Responses to “just the working life”

  1. sherri sagt:

    …for which many would be thankful for. Terrible economy in our world and every time I see a shot like this I think of people out of work.

  2. jannie sagt:

    I haven’t been to your site before and have obviously missed out! The light and the clouds are very moody. Good ole‘ Springsteen!
    I really appreciate the comments you place on Phil’s blog, and the lyrics which always fit so beautifully. Thank you!

  3. rhys sagt:

    dark and moody, you can feel the monotony and hum-drum of the factory. Very effective.

  4. sagt:

    very nice, timeless foto, stunning mood. You allways have some cool locations on your blog – and make the best of them. Great stuff here!

  5. david sagt:

    the brood skies match the tone of the factory: puts me in mind of william blake’s „dark satanic mills“. very good.

  6. PixeLuz sagt:

    Dark close to the limit, a moment of the day this shot makes us feel painful. Nice work!

  7. Fritsch sagt:

    My grandfather used to live & work there. He died in 1998. It was a tough working life. My grandmother now followed him on this last trip.

    All the best & save travels,

  8. a.h.lex sagt:

    the present of industry in this photo is in the background, but for vierwing persons it is in the forground! i like it!

  9. Great dark contrasts and dramatic sky. Definitely an excellent capture of the ominous mood at this place.

  10. Joe sagt:

    Das ist echt cool, Irgendwie warte Ich auf ein Geiles Sommergewitter mit warmen Regen.
    Die Fabrik muss dafür aber mal mehr Wolken produzieren.
    Super Bild.

  11. Kamal sagt:

    love the dramatic, moody skies. how come i didn’t see this last week.

    „so you sailed away /into a grey sky morning /
    now I’m here to stay /love can be so boring“ -(Vertical Horizon)

    thanks for sharing.

  12. Beverungen sagt:

    once, factories were factories. work and die. now it seems, that places of work are places to fade away. in the end we are all clouds made of forgotten life. dust in universe.



  13. Turnbill sagt:

    This shot seems to confirm my fathers explanation of where clouds come when we asked him as small kids. He’d point to any nearby smoke stake and tell us that it was a cloud factory. Nice shot.

  14. terrorkitten sagt:

    The smoke echoes the clouds – nice.

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