songs about roving, rambling and plain hard luck & photography from the other side …

the road less traveled

© Volvo Hanns-Eisler-Str. Berlin 2009 by Fritsch

I left my old man’s place / At the end of some desperate day / Set my sails to cross the borderline (SongDogs)

The all new SongDogs album „Restless No More“ is out now. Go ahead & grab your copy!

By the way: The photoblog awards 2009 are up. If you like what you see, get over and vote for the hobokollektiv.

posted: Juli 8, 2009
under: black & white, pictures
tags: , , , , , ,

10 Responses to “the road less traveled”

  1. sherri sagt:

    I like the details you zoomed in on. I miss chrome:-)

  2. Kamal sagt:

    reminds me of my car i had back home, an old one too. it’s scrap metal now.. and the title reminds me of the last sentences from robert frost’s poem…
    „Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— / I took the one less traveled by / And that has made all the difference.“
    thanks for sharing.

  3. david sagt:

    chrometastic shot, they just don’t make cars with style these days. you’ve gaught the glint and gleam so well with this contrasty B&W.

  4. Joe sagt:

    An Engine, Steering and a Radio. Traveling down the Highway. You need more, …
    Great Shot, great memories

  5. Turnbill sagt:

    Nice composition Fritsch. I remember when all cars had these nice vent windows. I wonder why they no longer make them any more?

  6. elaine sagt:

    excellent classical shot

  7. terrorkitten sagt:

    Love the styling of that mirror!

  8. flo g sagt:

    high chrom class ! high style ;)

  9. Beverungen sagt:

    once, cars were cars. now they are plastic candies. like dreams.

    thanks for the memento.


  10. grant sagt:

    great composition – nothing but the essential elements.

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