songs about roving, rambling and plain hard luck & photography from the other side …

love must surely be something clearly seen in black & white

And I always thought that love must surely be something clearly seen in black and white / And we can make it how we want it to be or change it if we need to, change it over night / North, south, east and west anywhere I choose is best / And there’s nothing to it I confess only love more or less (Marianne Faithfull)

posted: Oktober 22, 2014
under: black & white, pictures
tags: , , , , , , , ,

21 Responses to “love must surely be something clearly seen in black & white”

  1. michèle sagt:

    Black and white at night with white lamps …

    Well, you’ve chosen best! The picture to illustrate the song or conversely. I like both!

  2. MT sagt:

    I like the light from above!

    „yes you are“ A strong message. That ìs love, to acknowledge each other.


  3. Francis J sagt:

    I imagine someone wandering through the night and suddenly he’s seeing this message „yes you are“. I imagine this one felt alone and lost that night and suddenly he has to think about these words „yes you are“. A strong message, Florian, which gives us the energy to go on along our road.
    And no one better than Marianne Faithfull to accompany us along this road in a black night. A magical picture, my friend. A magical one.

  4. michèle sagt:

    I can also consider the three bright words could be magic, surprising and finally funny.

  5. Uwe sagt:

    Frei nach Charles Bukowski:

    Drei Wörter,
    die uns den Mut geben
    wenn alles sagt:
    gib auf.

    Gruß, Uwe

    • Fritsch sagt:

      Ein Bild für den Moment des Zweifels. Die Schlichtheit des Bildes & die unglaubliche Komplexität der Worte. Aufgeben niemals. Vielen dank, Uwe.

      Viele Grüße & weiterhin sichere Straßen, Fritsch.

  6. Elaine- sagt:

    no i’m not :P i love this pic, i’m trying to think of a way to steal it and use it…. maybe i’ll just steal you and use you instead :)

    • Fritsch sagt:

      „I want to spread the news / That if it feels this good getting used / You just keep on using me“ (Bill Withers)

      Now go ahead, dear. I’ll be just there to serve your photographic needs in every way.

      All the best & safe travels, Fritsch.

  7. Phil Vaughn sagt:

    I am debating as to whether I am or not. Sometimes I think I am, but there are always doubts. So, am I or am I not? There’s nothing to it, I confess. Anything I choose is best…or is it? As for love, now that is something else. It may be more or less, but I refuse to commit to either one. As for your photo and mixture with Marianne Faithfull’s song, both are insightful. And you have both tangled my mind tonight.

    • Fritsch sagt:

      I know those moments of doubt so well, Phil. And sometimes looking at these frames make me feel like I made them all for me. Not only that they are some kind of visual diary but a diary of feelings & the fight with all those ambiguities. Thanks, my friend.

      All the best & safe travels, Fritsch.

  8. Auch eine klare Aussage: Schwarz-Weiß vom Feinsten! Ein wunderbares Bild, lieber Florian.
    Viele Grüße von uns,
    dm und mb

    • Fritsch sagt:

      Meisten empfinde ich die Reduktion geradezu als wahren Reichtum, als klare Aussage. Und das ist gut so, das macht Spaß.

      Viele Grüße & weiterhin sichere Straßen, Fritsch.

  9. Jerome sagt:

    Whatever deserves to be written so glowingly and in stark contrast, white on black, has got to be an expression of love

  10. duke sagt:

    We are what we are…
    Gorgeous Florian !

  11. Onbelievable, how powerfull just 3 words can be isn’t it

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