suitcase full of clothes, washed up on the shore of memory
If the walls in the room could talk / I wonder to myself, would they lie? / It’s like some kind of jail / Beams of light fall through the curtains onto the bed / I’m all alone now, I can do as I please / I don’t feel like doing much of anything (Ryan Adams)
posted: April 13, 2014
under: black & white, pictures
tags: 35mm, b & w, Berlin, hiatus, img, M9, Ryan Adams
Mein lieber Freund, ein Bild voller Geschichten.
Der Dialog zwischen Bild und Text ist einmal mehr schlicht und einfach grandios!
Would walls lie? A good question. And the same question about photographs: do photographs lie? In fact, we know that photographers may lie, as the History showed us. But what’s the truth? That’s a philosophical question and I am not competent for bringing an answer, that’s why I prefer to say there’s no truth and only sincerity. In Portuguese it sounds better: „Não tem verdade, só tem sinceridade.“
And about sincerity, no doubt, Florian, this picture of yours shows us the total sincerity of your approach to photography. This picture offers us the perfect balance between the dark and hidden part of the world and our mind and the lightened part. And we know that we must be careful about which of these two parts is in fact the closest to truth – or sincerity.
A great composition, my friend.
what is wrong, dear Florian? why so sad? are you following the wrong road? is it the easy road? because if you took the easy road, you are gonna get the crap kicked out of you at some point anyway… are you ok? if you are not ok, i’m here to tell you, you WILL BE… what gives you a sense of calm delight bordering on spiritual bliss? you may have only had a glimpse of it as a child… whatever it is, go get it… your window is open to a bright world and you are free, free to fly
ay, Fritsch, buddy, a window unto the world, we need those openings out of the dark, pal…
once again you’ve completely mastered light and compostion, and shot a great picture of everything that’s not there!
keep ‚em coming, pal!
Ein dunkler Rahmen, opakes Schwarz, mit ein paar Schemen nur. Darin dann diese Öffnung mit Blick auf eine Hauswand, streng gegliedert in Fläche und Fenster, einzig die Büsche setzen gegen das Regelmaß das natürlich Gewachsene, dem Licht entgegen.
Rechts eine Irritation, die Spiegelung der geöffneten Fensterflügel, inmitten des dunklen Rahmens.
Der Text stimmt traurig, hat einen melancholischen Ton.
Ein Bild voller Stille, Ruhe, Reglosigkeit.
Ein alltäglicher Blick – fixiert und durch Worte aufgeladen.
Nicht aber diese und ihr pessimistischer Tenor überwiegen, sondern das Geviert, in dem sich Außenwelt zeigt, die helle Öffnung in den dunklen Wänden: das Fenster als „Augen-Tor“.
Gruß, Uwe
If walls could talk, they wouldn’t tell the same thing to everyone. So are the pictures: 2 subbjectivities, the one of who takes the picture and the one of the watcher.
To me this picture tells me about opening and restraint.
Restraint and asthetics
Great frame Forian !
Big up my friend…
Wonderful frame, just draws you in
In seinem Kommentar hat Uwe es sehr gut als „Augen-Tor“ beschrieben, dieses Fenster, durch das es nur ein Außen gibt, während das Innenleben sich schwarz verhüllt, und fast gänzlich verschwindet. Ein großartiges Bild, lieber Florian.
Viele Grüße von uns,
A window looking outside, near the end of spring, is a welcome sight. Finally outside is brighter, much brighter than inside. Looking out, what is there, but another window from across, perhaps looking at us inside
We have here, just a little light well done! excellent I love.
Do you offer a window to another reality, or are our lifes simply an illusion.