run down some dark alleys in my own head
I drink to remember, I smoke to forget / Some things to be proud of, some stuff to regret / Run down some dark alleys in my own head / Something is changing, changing, changing (Jake Bugg)
Folks, I finally managed to get me the camera I was dreaming of for a long, long time. So I guess I just need a little more time out on the streets, in these nights & among people. That’s why I decided to post on a less regular basis & not necessarily two times a week like the last four years. No matter what camera I carry around it’s these songs about roving, rambling & plain hard luck I can’t keep with myself & I like to feed your great eyes & free minds with. Thanks for your companionship in the past year & I’m hoping to see you on these roads somewhere in 2013.
All the best & safe travels, Fritsch.
posted: Januar 1, 2013
under: 600 km, black & white, pictures
tags: 35mm, b & w, Darmstadt, img, Jake Bugg, M9
don’t be away for long, darling, you must come home to where you belong… where your heart is…. i’m happy you have the camera of your dreams, what camera is it? did you get it for Christmas? Happy New Year, my little european cabbage xoxoxxoxoxxoxox
That shot belongs on an album cover! (It makes me think of Leonard Cohen. Maybe it’s the hat.)
Congratulations on the new camera. Take your time with it and with your posting. We will be waiting!
I know you’ll make that camera sing and bring us more glimpses of those darker edges of life soon enough.
Best Wishes…
Wow, that’s an incredibly powerful and intriguing image. I’m fascinated with the silhouette and interplay between light and shade. Many compliments on this fabulous work!
ay, buddy, congrats on that new camera – I’m guessing it’s an M9!
I’ll be watching you! keep on singing, Fritsch – you’ve got the gift!
(oh – great pic, btw…. it’s groovy!)
very cool … ! congrats on the new camera!
Cool shoot. Very noir
Nice. Like the sense of noir and mystery here.
Congrats Fritsch, all the best in 2013
Gleich das erste Foto mit der neuen Kamera ist schon auf der Höhe Deiner Schwarz-Weiß-Kunst:
ausgewogene Bildaufteilung, perfektes Spiel von lichten und dunklen Partien, eine reichhaltige Palette von Grautönen und die kalkulierte Mehr- oder Uneindeutigkeit der Szene, die dem Betrachter alle Freiheit des Assoziierens und Geschichtenerfindens lässt.
So kann es weitergehen.
Ich warte – und staune dann sicherlich immer wieder.
Gutes Gelingen auch in 2013.
Grüße, Uwe
a new cam for the new year, that sounds good! hope you have a happy new year! :D
A excellent bw!
Great news, Florian, that you could get the desired camera. I guess it’s the M9 from Leica! Great choice, my friend. I’m awaiting now for more and more night ambiants. Or dull lights, or even contrejours like in this new opus.
Let’s go on along this new year and discover what the future will bring of roving, rambling and plain hard luck that we can’t always keep with ourselves.
This picture seems to be extracted from a movie! Great mood!
Have a nice day.
Very jazzy image! I love the leisure way of waiting. Great shot
What a great shot. If you’ve got the M9 then I’m a very jealous admirer.
I understand you don’t want to past quite as much in the future. I have long since given up the illusion that I can post even as much as once a week myself. I love teaching photography, but I hate the fact that it takes up so much of my time that going out and photographing has become somewhat of a luxury.
wow … ein Blickfang sondergleichen, ein Meisterstück der Komposition und des Lichts!
Einfach hammerhaft und grossARTig!
Good to hear about that enthusiasm that keeps you going my friend, go on and go shoot
OWe invent a story looking at this photo.
This corridor and this man, a beautiful composition, Florian.
(HA!) How SEXY is that! Very charming piece of work Florian… it hits all the right buttons for me… not overly dramatic way plus the storytelling holds in a really smart way too.
Have fun with your new toy, many cheers!