no blues are coming down this time
Life to live shall not be a burden / Carried on shoulders, the long mystic trial / Dreams leave the dust / No blues are coming down this time (Son Volt)
posted: April 24, 2011
under: black & white, pictures, rural sketches
tags: architecture, b & w, countryside, D40, hiatus, img, rural sketches, Son Volt
beautiful. I love the perspective and contrast.
Friedrichskoog, Schleswig-Holstein… the name of the place alone is filled with poetry. I know a lot of people find German an ugly language (result of all those WW2-movies) but they don’t know what they miss.
Just as they don’t know what they miss if they don’t visit this blog once in a while. A beautiful composition. One could say it makes you think of the Bechers, but that has more to do with the subject than with the way is was photographed. You really made this your own.
sometimes, when i get in an argument with an atheist, or sometimes when i’m in alot of pain, Life can be a burden, sometimes, when i’m angry with my husband, the blues come down… but those are the exception, not the rule, the rule is, ‚don’t worry, be happy‘ :) oops wrong song… lovely dizzying shot my wub…. so beautiful in your black and white….
interesting composition I would have try with a square format…
Just impressive. Great work !
Like Geert i thought of Bernd and Hilla Becher’s works because of the building you shot, but there’s a big difference in the point of view. When they tried to show a so called „objective“ point of view, you express yours with power, giving to this construction an amazing beauty.
superb perspective
Etwas Becher Inspiriert! Sehr guter Winkel, für die Aufnahme. Mit dem Himmel, cool!
Weiter so Joe
Sci-Fi sensation, it looks as if we were to land on Mars… :) Great feeling.
Love the perspective and contrast shot!
Good day to you.
i like this, the blown out leftside overall feeling of it…
Wieder ein Bild mit grossartiger Perspektive und voller Assoziationen, zwischen einem extraterrestischen Raumschiff, dass soeben zu seiner nächsten Reise ins All aufbricht, geistert auch eine futuristische Espresso-Maschine die das feine Milchschäumchen aus den Wolken generiert und mir eine grosse Tasse Latte macchiato serviert, durch mein Kopfkino.
Grossartig … dreams leave the dust.
Wow! This photo is simply spectacular! Congrats and greetins my friend.
Your vantage point makes it feel larger than life. Nice!
Very good Fritsch! I do like the look of the blown out leftside as well – gives it a kind of cold war feel.
Looks like a spaceship. Elegantly composed.
I’ve got a massive imagination. I know what this is, but it’s what it looks like or conjures up in mind: a space craft with its nose facing away from the planet’s surface. Ok, I got carried away. Fine, contrasty, and cool pov.
Great point of view which creates a incredible composition; the balance between light and darkness is perfect. Yessss!!
Have a nice day.
„wie einen buckel schlepp ich mein schweres gehirn“ lässt heiner müller in der hamletmaschine sagen. fiel mir so ein. immerhin, wolken ziehen, das ist schön. son volt kenne ich durch dich, gefällt mir auch sehr gut.
Une magnifique perspective, Fritsch !
Like the underbelly of an ufo landing on a rooftop