songs about roving, rambling and plain hard luck & photography from the other side …

invisible city XI

© Kulturforum Berlin 2009 by Fritsch

I’m not an ordinary man / I don’t pretend to be / I’d like to be an extraordinary man / I’d like to know peace / When the lights go out, I’m not lonely / It’s the only thing that matters to me / I can, we can / We can be set free (Langhorne Slim)

By the way: The photoblog awards 2009 are up. If you like what you see, get over and vote for the hobokollektiv.

posted: November 18, 2009
under: colour, invisible city, pictures
tags: , , , , , , , , ,

13 Responses to “invisible city XI”

  1. a.h.lex sagt:

    mysterious, mysterious. you’ve got a long series with good photos in the last weeks. wonderful sharpness and contrast in this part XI.
    Have a nice week, fritsch.

  2. what a great atmosphere in this one
    I love it
    Keep up the good work

  3. walter sagt:

    Dieses Bild passt ausgezeichnet zum Kultuforum, ein bisschen wie Mondrian, ein wenig Architektur, das Spiel mit Licht und Farbe, das Abstrakte und der Zauber des Unbekannten …
    Ein weiteres, faszinierendes und geheimnisvolles Bild aus der brillianten Serie. Kudos!

  4. Kamal sagt:

    Wow. another one from your fantastic series of yours. I like the reflections on the windows. I almost thought the red slight hint on the upper right corner was the sky . hehe. interesting indeed.

  5. crash sagt:

    nicely done! love the low light …. reminds me of any moody scene from old B&W movie

  6. rhys sagt:

    Like a spooky Edward Hopper, dark, brooding, ominous shadows- I like it!

  7. elaine sagt:

    Mysterious! another david Lynch kind of feeling

  8. david sagt:

    another terrific, lonely shot (do you wander the streets every night?), i love the mood and that little strip of neon blue.

  9. Elaine- sagt:

    looks kinda scary, like you are about to be bonked on the head and the bank is about to be robbed…skeeeeery :) great shot!

  10. Luis sagt:

    Stalking the night, searching for those shadows, textures, and sharp contrasts…well spotted and composed. Also like the mix hear of tones. Cheers!

  11. The atmosphere is amazing. Love the light and reflections, the cool tones and stillness in this photo. Cheers to you!

  12. grant sagt:

    wow – smooth, clean and severe.

  13. Beverungen sagt:

    kühl, blau-schwarz, klar.

    dank und gruß


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