among my daily demons, call it a deficit, an emptiness inside
All my life I had this funny little feeling / It came and went time and again among my daily demons / Call it a deficit, an emptiness inside / Why is true love hard to find? Why does true love hide? / But now I found you and I know that we will be / So very happy, if you could only see / That I was made for you and you were made for me / The road in front of us is long and it is wide / We’ve got beginner’s luck, we’ve got it on our side / If you are willing, well, I think I’m qualified / And with beginner’s luck we’ve gotta take the ride (Eels)
Folks, it’s a great pleasure & honor all at the same time to be invited by the dear folks of pixartix to participate in their „Straßen & Wege“ cycle. So make sure you follow them great photos, great stories & great photographers over there as much as I do.
All the best & safe travels, Fritsch.
posted: April 2, 2013
under: black & white, pictures
tags: 35mm, b & w, Berlin, Eels, hiatus, img, M9
Hier kann man die täglichen Dämone und die Einsamkeit mehrfach versenken, wegschliessen und endgültig vergessen und sich unters Volk mischen und sich den Klängen hingeben und den Abend geniessen und den Alltag weit, weit hinter sich lassen und getrost in die Zukunft sehen.
Jolie photo pour ce lieu assez atypique…
Pass auf:
Pandoras Büchsen sind offen und mit ihnen alle Plagen, Laster und Untugenden, zu denen der Mensch fähig ist. Es bleibt uns nur die Hoffnung … auf „Wahre Liebe“.
Gruß, Uwe
Perfect in the sense of the Miles Davis quote in your artist statement „to play what’s not there“ – and this blends well with the Minor White sentence I already quoted on pixartix: „to photograph, what else it is“.
The empty boxes–all named and numbered–wait for something to fill them. It is their purpose and destiny. They may have their own particular sense of emptiness, and their own demons.
The empty heart will always be filled with something–even if it is the demons. Emptiness is its own demon to be sure. Beginner’s luck would be good to try–again and again and again. It seems that is the cycle.
You see so much in what a lot of us would walk right by. That is the mark of the mind of a poet and thinker. Nicely done, Florian.
ay, Fritsch – what a sharp and interesting juxtaposition of image and lyrics – empty lockers and these … optimistic words. a lesser man would’ve made quite other associations!
great work, pal!
stay in the saddle, and keep the gunpowder dry, buddy!
Boxes open and empty. After or before. The event. The Grüner Salon. But what is that Grüner Salon? No idea. And that’s great cause I can imagine the story. The stories. All the little secrets that have been left. Or will be left. Before or after.
The secret is essential to make the story a great one. And secret is one thing, Florian, you manage to load to the pictures of yours. That’s one of the elements making your photographic work so strong. The hidden part is what matters first in a work of showing. Paradoxal and powerful!
A very nice bw!
One can’t tell from those open boxes whether they’re empty or full, vacuity is only what we see, not what is or isn’t there
toller songtext. das bild riecht geradezu nach feuchten klamotten und nach sehnsucht nach was-auch-immer.
klasse kombination!
Quite a scene! „Good Eye“ Florian… location is key to „Shaping The Mood“ and this is one sweet example given the mystic-elements of wanting to explore further.
Manchmal stehen vermeintlich alle Türen offen und man findet doch keinen Ausweg.
Like a bank. A hold-up may be… Very nice space and finally very graphic… Bravo.
You tell the story of the French crisis… Nicely seen and perfectly done!!
Have a nice day.